Organic Eggs from our bio farm in Mathiatis
Two friends joined forces and created the Ygea Farm, with only organic products
The image of a family summer holiday with the mother providing fresh eggs from free-range hens still remains strong to many from our youthful years.
Such an image came to mind when I was in one of the fields at Ygea Farm, walking among dozens of free-range hens, clucking and grazing in the open fields of clover.
The appropriate terrain, fertile land and good rainfall here at Mathiatis is fitting for such organic/bio farming. This is exactly what George Constantinidis and Christos Vassiliou thought. They used their existing farm, backed by a long history of traditional farming know-how to create Ygea Farm. A project that is also a member of European Union Infrastructure Development projects, as well as itself supporting many other noteworthy causes in Cyprus and abroad.The total area of the farm is 110 acres, whilst 40 acres are used for egg production.
Organic eggs excel
Eggs are a basic staple in our diet, and essential ingredient in our cooking. What eggs we keep in our kitchen matters to our health. Organic is always best.
To be organic, it requires that the chickens are free-range, living in a relatively open environment and fed with certified organic foods.
In all Zorbas bakeries nationwide, in Alpha Mega hypermarkets, direct, and in selected organic retailers.
Producer Tel. +357 99417049
Source: read full article, click here
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